Lauren Gilbert

Trade and Investment Commissioner, Guangzhou

Photo of Lauren Gilbert

Lauren Gilbert is Austrade's Trade and Investment Commissioner, Guangzhou. Lauren is co-lead for Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong's Agribusiness and Consumer Industry. In this role she is the lead for the seafood, consumer, horticulture and wine and beverage sectors.

Before her current role, Lauren was in Shanghai where she oversaw Austrade's Landing Pad. This is a program dedicated to Australian technology scaleups.

Lauren has extensive commercial experience. She has spent most of her career working in sales and business development roles. She has worked for reputable technology companies, including IBM, LinkedIn and Lauren has also worked for innovative e-commerce and SaaS startups.

Lauren holds a Bachelor of International Studies from University of Sydney. Lauren has spent many years living, working, and studying in China. Because of this she is proficient in Mandarin Chinese. She is also conversational in Danish.