Luisa Rust

Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, Philippines

Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, Philippines

Luisa Rust is the Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner at the Australian Embassy in Manila. She leads a dynamic and energetic team responsible for growing Australia and Philippine's trade, investment and education relationship. Luisa is committed to identifying commercial opportunities, creating connections and realising the full potential of the bilateral relationship.

Luisa has over 20 years international business experience in public and private sector roles. These include Australian Consul (Commercial) and Trade Commissioner in Shanghai from 2010 to 2014. She has also held short-term roles in Singapore and Japan.

Luisa has expertise in strategic engagement, international advisory services and program delivery, across a diverse range of sectors. She supports Australian exporters and investors to achieve their international business aspirations. Luisa's recent role was leading Austrade's delivery of the Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange Program – The Australian Government's flagship program supporting the Australia Southeast Asia Economic Strategy.

Before Austrade, Luisa worked in several international sales and marketing roles in the food and beverage and agricultural sectors.

Luisa holds a Masters of Business, International Marketing from University of Technology, Sydney and is a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney.