Stephen Skulley

Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, Jakarta

Photo of Stephen Skulley

Stephen is Austrade's Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. Before this position he performed a similar role at the Australia High Commission in Singapore.

Stephen has also had an extensive career in the global banking sector. He has worked for Citigroup and Lloyds Bank, and in consultancy roles in Singapore.

Australia's Southeast Asia Economic Strategy 2040 has gained from Stephen's vast international business and finance experience. He has lead Austrade's activities in supporting two-way trade and investment between Australia and Indonesia.

Stephen completed his Bachelor and Master of Engineering, at University of Western Australia and Heriot-Watt University. He also holds an MBA from International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Switzerland.

He is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and a member of the Singapore Institute of Directors. Stephen also has micro credentials in fintech, big data and blockchain from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Oxford Business School.