Diversity and inclusion

See how Austrade’s diverse workforce reflects today’s Australia and the world we trade with.

We connect Australian businesses to the world and the world to Australian business. The diversity of our people reflects our global operating environment.

Diversity and inclusion are integral to how we work. By applying diversity and inclusion, we:

  • contribute to the wider effort to revive economies
  • safeguard social cohesion
  • champion human rights.

How we live our values

We embody diversity and inclusion in our work by:

  • having diversity champions leading the way at Austrade
  • supporting our employee networks that represent different streams of diversity
  • celebrating diversity through:
    • awareness-raising events
    • employment programs
    • education.
  • being active and proud members of:
    • Diversity Council Australia
    • Australian Network on Disability
    • Pride in Diversity.
  • continuing towards reconciliation by renewing our Reconciliation Action Plan.

More information

Contact us

Email: diversity@austrade.gov.au