Apply as a representative body

Use specific checklists, templates and samples for your representative body EMDG application.

Prepare to apply checklist

To apply:

  1. Read the EMDG guidelines on the Guidelines and legislation page.
  2. Set up your Digital ID (myID).
  3. Link your Digital ID to your business in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).
  4. Know your organisation’s Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) code. This is the 4-digit code that best describes your main business activity. You will need to type in the keywords related to the ANZSIC code. If you are unsure, the Australian Bureau of Statistics can help you determine your industry classification.
  5. Read the sample application form. The online application form includes guidance on character limits for responses to each question. The maximum is 3,000 characters (about 500 words) for detailed answers.
  6. Prepare your responses for the plan to market questions in the application form. This is needed if you are planning promotional and marketing activities. Your responses should demonstrate how these activities will support and benefit your SME members.
  7. Prepare an export training plan. This is needed if you are delivering, or arranging to deliver, export readiness training courses or programs which will directly benefit your SME members. You will need to upload this to your application form when you apply.
  8. Complete the mandatory templates for representative bodies. You will need to upload them to your application form when you apply.
  9. Prepare documents to confirm your eligibility. Refer to the EMDG guidelines on the Guidelines and legislation page for the full list. Documents include:
    1. profit and loss statements and balance sheets
    2. evidence of tax compliance, such as your notice of assessment or statement of account
    3. bank statements
    4. trust deed including any amendments, if applicable.

For more information about applying as a representative body:

Plan to market

If you are applying to undertake marketing and promotional activities in foreign markets, you must have a high-quality plan to market. You do this by answering a series of questions in the online application form. You cannot upload your plan to market as a separate document.

The plan to market must be unique and specific to your organisation. It should explain:

  • the export promotional activity you will plan to do on behalf of your SME members
  • how your activities align with your SME members’ needs
  • how your activities are new or have been recently reviewed to ensure they:
    • align with trade diversification emerging trends and changes in the export opportunities
    • reflect an updated or improved approach
  • the business goals you seek to achieve through your marketing
  • how you will measure your export success
  • your marketing and promotional budget for the eligible markets for the relevant grant years
  • details about previous export marketing and promotional activities you have undertaken, if applicable.

To be considered high-quality, all mandatory questions must be answered with sufficient detail but within a character limit. The maximum is 3,000 characters (about 500 words) per answer.

We encourage applicants to:

Export training plan

If you are providing export readiness or marketing training courses or programs to your members, you must prepare an export training plan. Complete the export training plan in the Mandatory templates and reading section below. Upload this with your application.

Your export training plan should include:

  • who will be delivering the proposed export training activities
  • details about your proposed export training activities, including:
    • expected benefits of the training for your SME members
    • proposed timeline to complete
    • how you will deliver
    • expected breakdown of costs
    • your proposed assessment of members’ knowledge after completing.

To be considered high-quality, all mandatory questions must be completed with sufficient detail but within a character limit. The maximum is 3,000 characters (about 500 words).

We encourage applicants to review the export training plan sample. This is in the Sample documents section below.

Attachments to online application form

For details of the type and number of documents to be uploaded as attachments to your application, refer to EMDG Round 4: attachments to online application form – representative bodies (DOCX 668KB).

Please note all documents must be: 

  • uploaded as PDFs not screenshots
  • under 10MB in file size.

Sample documents

Tax compliance evidence

As per the EMDG guidelines, you must comply with all your obligations under taxation laws during:

  • the current income year, and 
  • the previous 2 income years. 

Refer to section 13 of the Export Market Development Grants Rules 2021 for further detail. 

You must provide the following evidence of your compliance with taxation laws during the 2022-23 and 2023-24 financial years:

  • Business Activity Statement, or
  • Notice of Assessment, or
  • Statement of Account.

If you’re currently on an ATO payment plan, you must mention this in the application form as further evidence of compliance with taxation laws. 

If your business has not yet lodged its tax return for the 2023-24 financial year, you must provide evidence of: 

  • completed and lodged tax return for the 2022-23 financial year, and
  • the most recent completed and lodged business activity statement (BAS) for the 2023-24 financial year. 

Please note that if you are successful to be offered a grant agreement:

  • we may request further evidence of your tax compliance for the current financial year before making a payment
  • you will also be asked to provide evidence of tax compliance with your milestone report/s.  

It is your obligation to comply with Australian Taxation Laws. We recommend you seek:

We do not provide advice on your particular taxation circumstances.

Mandatory templates and reading

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