Export Market Development Grants

Learn how these grants can help Australian businesses grow their exports.

Status:  There are no grant rounds currently open for applications. The EMDG information on this website applies to Rounds 1, 2 and 3. It will not apply to Round 4. Amended rules are expected to apply to Round 4 of EMDG. We will communicate all changes when the program details, including guidelines, are finalised and released. Round 4 is likely to open in late 2024 or early 2025.

The EMDG program

Austrade’s Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program helps Australian businesses grow their exports in international markets. These grants encourage small to medium enterprises to market and promote their goods and services globally.

We administer the EMDG program for the Australian Government.

Since 1974, EMDG has assisted more than 51,000 unique small and medium size Australian businesses (SME) promote and market their products and services to more than 180 countries world-wide. Most of those SMEs received multiple grants across the years for up to 8 years.

The Export Market Development Grants program has been assisting Australian exporters since 1974.

It is the most comprehensive program of its kind globally and is administered by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission.

EMDG provides grants to Australian small and medium-sized enterprises to promote their Australian products overseas.

Its aim is to encourage the creation, expansion, development and diversification of foreign markets for Australian products.

Could your business benefit from EMDG?

You may be eligible if you're an eligible person exporting eligible products and have eligible marketing expenses.

For full details on eligibility criteria, you should read the EMDG guidelines.

How EMDG works in 5 easy steps.

First, you'll submit your grant application online. We will then assess your application. If successful, you will enter into a grant agreement. You can then undertake your planned promotional activities. And finally, we'll assess your milestone report before making a milestone payment.

Be sure to explore the EMDG website for more resources, including examples, videos, and the EMDG guidelines.

If you have any questions, you can email us at emdg.help@austrade.gov.au or you can call us on 13 28 78.


EMDG is an eligibility-based, demand-driven program. This means that for Rounds 1, 2 and 3 all eligible applicants received a grant from the available funds. We do not base grants on the maximum grant tier caps. The grant amount depends on the:

  • number of eligible applications in the round (referred to as demand)
  • available program budget shared among all eligible applicants.

More about Eligibility.

Types of grants for exporters

Grants are for eligible promotional activities undertaken by small to medium sized exporters and representative bodies. Small to medium enterprise (SME) exporters can apply for grants over 8 years in total, not necessarily consecutively. Representative bodies have no maximum grant years. Grants for businesses are available in 3 tiers with each providing a different level of support for SMEs as they grow their export markets. The tiers are:

  1. Ready to export
  2. Exporting and expanding
  3. Exporting, expanding and strategic shift.

Businesses don’t have to start at Tier 1 and progress to Tier 2 and 3. They can apply for any grant tier at any time depending on the business need.

The lengths of these grants reflect the different stages of an exporter’s journey. 

Grant agreement terms are offered in each round subject to:

  • the availability of funds
  • the maximum allowable grant term for the relevant tier under the EMDG rules.

Read more about the 3 tiers and grants for representative bodies at Types of grants.

How to apply for a grant

The EMDG program bases criteria on eligibility, not competition. All eligible applicants receive a grant. The process is as follows:

  1. Apply for a grant for eligible promotional activities you plan to undertake.
  2. After all applications are assessed, Austrade offers a grant agreement to each eligible applicant.
  3. If you agree, you enter into a grant agreement with Austrade. Grant agreements will clarify the maximum funding amounts per financial year over the term of your grant agreement.
  4. You lodge a milestone report to request milestone payments as per your grant agreement. Your grant agreement will state when we make your milestone payments and what you need to do to get these payments

More about How to apply.

When we make grant payments

We set the timing of grant payments by your grant agreement. Your grant agreement will state when you should submit your milestone report.

Before we process a payment, we check payment information to ensure bank details are valid.

More about Grant payments.

How we distribute funds

EMDG is an eligibility-based, demand-driven program. This means that for Rounds 1, 2 and 3 all eligible applicants will receive a grant from the available funds. Austrade will calculate how much funding will be given to all eligible applications based on the demand in that round. Each eligible applicant will receive a grant agreement with the approved grant amount.

You must match the dollar value of the grant monies you receive. This means you must spend double the grant amount to receive the grant.

More about Grant amounts.

Previous EMDG reimbursement scheme

The current eligibility-based, demand-driven program replaced the previous EMDG reimbursement scheme. The previous scheme closed permanently on 30 June 2022.

Applicants or agents in the previous scheme can check their historical application details using the EMDG online portal. For enquiries, contact EMDG.help@austrade.gov.au.

Grant round updates

Round 4: Applications expected to open late 2024 or early 2025

Round 4 will likely open for applications after we complete the program’s strategic refocus, including:

  • developing and approving revised EMDG rules and grant guidelines
  • developing program documentation
  • conducting communication and outreach activities
  • making changes to the EMDG online portal and the grants management platform.

Amended rules are expected to apply to Round 4 of EMDG. These can be found in the Export Market Development Grants Rules 2021.

The explanation for the changes can be found in the Federal Register of Legislation - Export Market Development Grants Amendment Rules 2024 - Explanatory Statement.

We will communicate the opening dates for applications when they are confirmed. To get regular updates, subscribe to the EMDG Update newsletter.

We will be working towards Round 4 grantee payments to start from July 2025. 

Round 3: Applications closed

Grant agreements

For Round 3 we have:

  • assessed all applications
  • executed 2,056 grant agreements.

Round 3 grant agreements are for:

  • one year for eligible applicants who planned expenditure for 2023-24 (35% of applicants)
  • 2 years for eligible applicants who planned expenditure for 2023-24 and 2024-25 (65% of applicants).

We will make payments to Round 3 grantees. We do this after we receive and assess milestone reports for the relevant expenditure year.

Grant agreements outline reporting and payment schedules.

Read more about accepting a grant agreement.

View these videos to learn more:

Read more about these grants in the EMDG Round 3 Information session (DOCX357KB) held on 1 March 2023 for new and returning applicants.

Changes in Round 3 include the following:

  • Grant agreements will be for one year with a possibility of extension subject to the availability of funds. This is to ensure we can better manage the available funding in future.
  • We have updated the definition of strategic shift for Tier 3 grantees, based on feedback that the definition needed to be clearer and to focus on market diversification.
  • Austrade requires businesses meet their taxation obligations and comply with all relevant Australian Taxation Office (ATO) legislation, rulings, and guidelines. During the assessment process we may ask businesses to provide evidence they have satisfied their tax obligations.We will use this information as part of the application assessment.

Round 2: Applications closed

Milestone reports

Milestone reports for Round 1 and Round 2 grantees for expenditure incurred in the 2022-23 financial year were due by 31 October 2023. 

We must assess your milestone report before we can pay you. We assess milestone reports in the order we receive them. Inaccurate bank account details cause payment delays. To avoid delays, please ensure your details are accurate and up to date. 

All grantees must submit a milestone report. If you had already received a grant payment for expenditure incurred in 2022-23, you were still required to submit your milestone report.


As at 30 April 2024, more than 2,400 Round 2 grantees were paid $45.8 million in total. This is for expenses incurred in 2022-23. 

The remaining Round 2 grantees, who have met milestone requirements, will be paid in coming months.

Round 1: Applications closed

Milestone reports

Round 1 and Round 2 milestone reports for expenditure incurred during the 2022-23 financial year were due by 31 October 2023. 

We must assess your milestone report before we can pay you. We assess milestone reports in the order we receive them. Inaccurate bank account details cause payment delays. To avoid delays, please ensure your details are accurate and up to date. 

All grantees must submit a milestone report. If you had already received a grant payment for expenditure incurred in 2022-23, you were still required to submit your milestone report by 31 October 2023.


As at 30 April 2024, more than 4,700 Round 1 grantees were paid $230 million in total. This was $120.8 million for expenses incurred in 2021-22 and $109.6 million for expenses in 2022-23. 

The remaining Round 1 grantees, who have met milestone requirements, will be paid in coming months.


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