EMDG Round 4 is closed.
Round 4 opened and closed for applications at different times, as listed below.
This is an update on the status of applications and grant funding for Round 4.
For Round 4, we received a total of 2,686 applications for 2025-26 and 2,286 for 2026-27.
When allocating funding we take into account an allowance for ineligible applications or non-acceptance of grant agreements for each financial year, i.e. a ‘buffer’.
The differences in application numbers and funding allocation amounts across the 2 financial years are due to some applicants applying for one year only.
Due to funding limits in each financial year, we may offer grant agreements for one year even where you apply for 2 years.
We may reallocate some of the Round 4 funding to the existing accepted applicants within the tiers with highest demand. This will be subject to final demand and the assessment of applications for eligibility.
The number of received applications and funding allocations per tier and financial year, as at 5pm AEDT on 20 December 2024, are outlined in the table below.
We will assess applications in the order of receipt, up to the limit of available funding. This means that not all applications will be assessed or offered a grant agreement.
For specific eligibility criteria for this round, read the EMDG Round 4 guidelines on the Guidelines and legislation page.
The How to apply page gives details on how applications had to be submitted in Round 4.
Grant agreements outline reporting and payment schedules. In Round 4, grant agreements will be offered for up to 2 years, that is, for 2025-26 and 2026-27.
These are example grant agreements for each grant tier for Round 4.
If you are a successful Round 4 grantee, you will be required to submit a milestone report.
When Round 4 milestone reports are due, we will publish details on this website. You can also subscribe to the EMDG Update newsletter to stay informed.
Round 4 milestone reports will be due during the relevant grant activity year. Your grant agreement will specify the due dates.
To help you complete your milestone report when it is due, read the sample milestone report for your tier.