Grant agreements

Learn more about the legal agreement that EMDG recipients are required to enter into with Austrade.


EMDG is changing

The information on this page is relevant for Rounds 1, 2 and 3. Changes are coming for Round 4. We will communicate this information when details, including guidelines, are finalised and released. To get regular updates, subscribe to the EMDG Update newsletter.


You must enter into a grant agreement to receive a grant from the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program. This is a legal agreement between a grant recipient and Austrade.

We offer grant agreements to all eligible applicants as this is not a competitive grant program.

Grant agreements will cover your eligible promotional activities for the term of your grant activity period.

What is in a grant agreement

Your grant agreement will state the:

  • purpose of the grant
  • maximum grant amount we will pay to you each financial year
  • grant period
  • payment schedule
  • reporting requirements.

Sample agreements for Round 1

Sample agreements for Round 2

Sample agreements for Round 3

How we will notify you about your agreement

We will email the primary contact on your application when your grant agreement is ready for viewing and signing in the EMDG Online portal.

If you listed an agent on your application, they will also get an email at the same time.

Signing your grant agreement

You must sign your grant agreement electronically in the EMDG portal within 21 days from the date of getting the offer. If you don’t do this, your offer may expire.

We may extend this period in some cases. Read the EMDG Guidelines for more information.

An agent can’t sign the agreement on your behalf. Only the primary contact in your application can sign the agreement.

When the agreement is ready for signing

We will notify applicants by email when the grant agreement is ready for:

  • review
  • signing via the EMDG online portal.

When you get your grant agreement, check all details are correct and up to date. This includes:

  • spelling of names
  • your personal and contact details
  • name of primary contact, and name of agent contact (if any)
  • bank account details.

If there is a change, send the request to

We will counter sign and execute the grant agreement after we get your signed grant agreement. We can only make payments after we do this.

Using the EMDG portal

Use our EMDG portal to view and accept your grant agreement.

The EMDG portal uses the Australian Government Digital Identity System to verify users. You will use your Digital Identity, myGovID, to access the service.

Where you used to see ‘Login with myGovID’ you will now see ‘Continue with Digital Identity’. Once selected, you can then:

  • choose myGovID as your Identity Provider, and
  • give consent to share your information with the EMDG portal.

To access the portal you need at least a standard myGovID that’s linked to the business in RAM.

The instructions in the EMDG portal will guide you on how to accept your agreement.

For technical issues:

Spending limits

There are upper spending limits for travel costs. These costs include:

  • accommodation
  • flights
  • daily allowances.

This will be set out in your grant agreement.

Each grant agreement will state the maximum grant amount per financial year.

Variations to grant agreements

We know there may be circumstances which can impact your grant agreement. This could include a change in your plans to market.

We may agree to vary your grant agreement. Contact us to discuss your situation.

Read about variations in the EMDG Guidelines.

What to do if you change your plans

A plan to market should be a living business management document. You can change and adapt it through the life of an exporting business, like a business plan. There are many types of eligible promotional expenses so consider other options if your plans, e.g. travel, must change.

Include an updated plan to market with your scheduled milestone reporting where you need to make changes, as per your grant agreement.

You will be eligible for a payment under the grant agreement, even if plans changed, if you show you still have an eligible product.

If you don’t spend as much as planned

We will adjust your grant payments if you don't spend as planned. We will work with you to adjust the amount and timing of your grant payments per financial year. This will happen over the life of your grant agreement as needed to ensure the total maximum grant amount isn’t exceeded.

What to do if you don’t spend at all

Notify Austrade as soon as possible if you:

  • haven’t incurred any eligible expenses, and
  • don’t intend to incur any eligible expenses.

There are 2 options you can choose in this case, depending on your circumstances.

Option 1

You can ask to amend your grant agreement by removing the grant payment for the relevant period.

If your grant agreement:

  • hasn’t been executed by Austrade, you can ask Austrade to:
    • remove the grant amount for the relevant period, and
    • reissue the grant agreement
  • has been executed by Austrade, you can ask us to vary the grant agreement. We can’t roll over your grant to future periods under your grant agreement. We may ask you to repay the grant in some cases.

Option 2

You can withdraw your grant agreement and apply in future rounds if:

  • your plans have changed since you accepted your grant agreement
  • you intend to incur eligible expenses in future years.

Funding for past and future rounds will depend on:

  • the number of applications we get
  • the program budget.

This could mean maximum grant amounts in future rounds may be lower.

Withdrawing or terminating your grant agreement

You can log in to the online portal and reject the grant agreement if we haven’t executed it.

You can also ask Austrade to terminate your grant agreement if we have already executed it. Do this by contacting We will let you know when we have updated our records.

If you don’t get a grant payment for the relevant period, we won’t record that year in your EMDG grant history. 

When to contact us

Contact us if your situation has changed, including:

  • you think you may not be able to meet the commitments in your grant agreement
  • the primary contact who entered into the grant agreement has left your business
  • your bank account details
  • anything else you would like to discuss about your grant agreement and milestone reporting.

We will work with you to ensure the best possible outcome.

What to do if your primary contact has changed

If your primary contact has changed, send us the:

  • reason for the change in primary contact
  • details of the old primary contact:
    • full name
    • position title
    • email address
    • mobile and/or phone number
  • consent from the old primary contact to be replaced. Or, if you can’t get consent, give the reason you can’t
  • details of the new primary contact
    • full name
    • position title
    • email address
    • mobile and/or phone number
    • street and postal address
  • confirmation the new primary contact has all the same authorities as the old primary contact.

As the new primary contact, you will need to:

  • create your own Digital Identity, such as myGovID
  • link it in RAM to accept and manage the grant agreement.

It is your responsibility to maintain the integrity of your business records. This is to ensure:

  • employees can easily identify who can authorise them
  • the correct people are authorised to access government online services on your business’s behalf.

Read How to apply for more information about:

  • creating your Digital Identity
  • linking it to your business.

What to do if you didn’t accept your agreement within 21 days

Contact us to discuss your situation if you didn’t accept your agreement within the 21-day timeframe. In some cases we can offer an extension, but this is not guaranteed.

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