THRIVE 2030 strategy

The THRIVE 2030 strategy sets out a long-term plan for growing Australia’s visitor economy.

THRIVE 2030 is Australia’s national strategy for the long-term sustainable growth of the visitor economy.

Consultation open for Consolidation Phase (2025– 2027)

We are conducting consultation on the next phase of THRIVE 2030. If you work in Australia's visitor economy, have your say.

Visit our consultation page before Friday 28 June 2024.

Strategy overview

THRIVE 2030 is industry-led and government-enabled. To drive success, the strategy:

  • provides a vision
  • sets targets
  • outlines policy priorities.

THRIVE 2030 vision

THRIVE 2030 envisions a visitor economy that:

  • delivers quality experiences for visitors
  • includes businesses that:
    • are globally competitive
    • are profitable
    • grow sustainably
  • provides jobs, growth and infrastructure that benefit Australian communities.

The strategy outlines priorities to address:

  • the challenges created by COVID-19
  • pre-existing structural trends and issues.

Three themes guide these priorities:

  • diversifying markets, experiences and destinations. For example, respectful inclusion of First Nations peoples and cultures
  • modernising the visitor economy workforce, infrastructure and business practices
  • collaborating between industry and government at every level, including by using high quality data and insights.

THRIVE 2030 targets

THRIVE 2030 aims to return the sector to pre-pandemic visitor spend and sustainable growth:

  • returning it to $166 billion by 2024
  • growing it to $230 billion by 2030.

The strategy aims for regional Australia to capture about 40% of this spend.

Strategy phases

There are 3 phases of the strategy’s implementation.

Recovery Phase 2022–2024

This will focus on rebuilding the visitor economy. It will do this by:

  • driving domestic visitation
  • driving targeted international visitation
  • addressing priority supply-side issues, such as workforce shortages.

Consolidation Phase 2025–2027

This aims to achieve a consistent growth to meet targets. It will do this by:

  • pursuing a targeted, diverse portfolio of markets
  • investing in new products and destinations
  • improving business practices
  • continuing to build workforce capability.

Acceleration Phase 2028–2030

This aims to speed up growth, increase service quality and grow visitation. It will do this by building on the investment in earlier phases. This includes through improvements in business processes and technology.

Strategy and related documents

Read summaries and download:

THRIVE 2030 initiatives

We lead a variety of initiatives to address THRIVE 2030 policy priorities. These include: 

THRIVE 2030 advisory and working groups

THRIVE 2030 Implementation Advisory Group

The THRIVE 2030 Implementation Advisory Group (TIAG) will monitor and oversee strategy implementation. The group includes industry leaders and senior government officials.

Find out about the THRIVE 2030 Implementation Advisory Group (TIAG).

Industry Data and Expert Analysis Working Group

The Industry Data and Expert Analysis (IDEA) Working Group will recommend how to produce data that’s more relevant, and timely. This is to:

  • better inform business decision-making
  • better inform government policy
  • build investor confidence.

Find out about the IDEA Working Group.

Workforce and Skills Technical Working Group

The Workforce and Skills Technical Working Group will investigate new approaches to help industry create a highly skilled workforce. This is so they can offer high-quality service to visitors.

Find out about the Workforce and Skills Technical Working Group.

Work to inform the strategy

The strategy is informed by the:

More information

Watch the THRIVE 2030 launch video (YouTube, 1min 50sec).


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