The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
Austrade is helping build resilience in Australia’s visitor economy. We do this by supporting efforts to attract and better service travel for increased leisure, business and education. Welcoming more visitors from the Southeast Asia and India markets is central to the visitor economy’s future success.
We also acknowledge the value of Australians travelling abroad to support increased air access and strengthening bilateral partnerships. Australia’s long-term visitor economy strategy, THRIVE 2030, recognises this.
We support efforts to build international visitor markets in several ways.
We lead work on:
We implement tourism actions outlined in these Australian Government strategies and roadmaps:
We advise on and support:
Diversification is a pillar of Australia’s visitor economy strategy, THRIVE 2030.
THRIVE 2030 aims to:
To support this, we are leading development of an international diversification strategy for the visitor economy.
International diversification in the visitor economy means attracting visitors from more overseas markets and market segments. Using targeted approaches to create a broad portfolio of source markets will build a more resilient visitor economy.
We have worked with the sector on the strategy. In 2023, Austrade released a discussion paper to guide stakeholder feedback. A consultation period involving roundtables, submissions and surveys led to these findings.
Strengthening tourism cooperation is a core component of the upgraded Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Australia and Vietnam. The two-way flow of visitors between the countries has already been increasing.
Australia is now Vietnam's 7th largest source market for visitors. Vietnam has been Australia's highest growth visitor market in the recovery period.
The governments have an Australia – Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy.
As part of this strategy, Austrade has cooperated with the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism and industry on the Strengthening Australia – Vietnam Tourism Cooperation (SAVTC) Project. Funding was made available by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Actions funded and delivered under the SAVTC Project aim to increase industry awareness of the opportunities of and barriers to increased two-way visitation. These actions include:
Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 aims to create greater trade and investment with Southeast Asia. This national strategy lists the visitor economy as a priority sector for ties with Southeast Asia.
Austrade is working with Tourism Australia to implement Recommendations 56 to 58 of the strategy.
These recommendations are:
India is Australia’s 5th largest market for overseas arrivals. The Indian visitor market has major untapped potential.
The Australian Government recently released A New Roadmap for Australia's Economic Engagement with India. Tourism is one of four focus sectors identified to accelerate Australia’s economic engagement with India.
We also work to bring international tourists to Australia. We manage the China Approved Destination Status Scheme.
For more targeted data, Tourism Research Australia has developed individual market profiles to help Government, industry, operators, peak bodies and researchers better understand the international visitor economy.
Explore the Market profiles on the Tourism Research Australia wesite.
Developing an International strategy for the visitor economy is Priority 6.3 of THRIVE 2030, Australia’s long-term visitor economy strategy. The goal is to identify emerging markets for travel and education, among other actions.
Read more about THRIVE 2030.