THRIVE Industry Data and Expert Analysis Working Group

Compiling data on Australia’s visitor economy to support Austrade’s tourism strategy.

Identifying industry data needs and growth

The THRIVE 2030 Industry Data and Expert Analysis (IDEA) Working Group, identifies industry data needs and growth areas in Australia’s visitor economy.

The visitor economy needs better and more timely data and analysis as it emerges from the pandemic and prospers. The THRIVE 2030 strategy recommends the IDEA Working Group:

  • investigate and make suggestions to improve data collection methods and activities
  • analyse and deliver data-driven insights. 

This is to:

  • underpin business improvement
  • inform government policy
  • build investor confidence.

Roles and responsibilities

The IDEA Working Group will assess:

  • industry needs for data and insights on the:
    • demand side (visitor or customer)
    • supply side such as labour, transport, investment
  • proposals and models for how users could contribute to and share the cost of:
    • data collection
    • data acquisition
    • data analysis and production
    • research.

Download IDEA Working Group Terms of Reference (DOCX 40.1KB).


Membership is a cross-section of industry and government expertise from the visitor economy. Members were selected for their industry expertise. They are based across Australia:

  • Dr Garth Taylor (Chair), Head, Tourism Research Australia, Austrade
  • Garrick Bryant, Head of Data Strategy, Sydney Airport
  • Amanda Clark, Program Manager, Physical Environment Accounts and Statistics, Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Peter Clay, General Manager, Research and Insights, Caravan Industry Association of Australia
  • Professor Sally Cripps, Director of Technology, Humans and Technology Institute, University of Technology Sydney
  • Rob Dougan, Executive General Manager, Strategy and Research, Tourism Australia
  • Carol Giuseppi, Former General Manager, Accommodation Association of Australia
  • Jan Hutton, CEO, Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
  • Adele Labine-Romain, National Tourism, Hospitality Leisure Sector Lead and Partner with Deloitte Access Economics
  • Professor Leo Jago OAM, Professor of Hospitality and Events, Griffith University
  • Evan Saunders, Vice President, Global Tourism and Hospitality Sales, Near (formerly UberMedia).

Representatives from state and territory governments are:

  • Paul Fleming, Research and Insights Specialist, Tourism Tasmania
  • Dr Grace Pan, Strategic Development and Research Director, Tourism and Events Queensland
  • Denise Ulbrick, Manager, Research, Tourism and Events Strategy and Reform, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR), Victoria.

An Austrade secretariat will support the IDEA Working Group.

Meeting outcomes and reports

More information

Read the THRIVE 2030 strategy.

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