Round 3 key statistics

Read about Round 3 EMDG grant recipients, including applicant data and expected export markets.

Round 3 of the EMDG program:

  • opened on 15 March 2023
  • closed on 14 April 2023.

There were 2,184 applications submitted. Average annual business turnover of applicants is $1.4m.

Figures on this page reflect the breakdown of applications at the time Round 3 closed.

Applications by tier breakdown

  • 666 in Tier 1 (30.5%)
  • 641 in Tier 2 (29.3%)
  • 847 in Tier 3 (38.8%)
  • 30 in Representative body (1.4%)

Average planned expenditure per year, by tier

  • $61,741 in Tier 1
  • $93,095 in Tier 2
  • $149,978 in Tier 3
  • $117,763 in Representative body

Applicants by type

  • 1,372 (63%) of total applications were lodged by grant agents and 812 (37%) were self-lodged by applicants.
  • 712 (33%) self-lodged applications were submitted by new applicants to EMDG.
  • 19 applications were submitted by businesses indicating they are Indigenous owned or controlled.
  • Agent or self-lodged applications by businesses indicating they are Indigenous owned or controlled:
    • 15 of these were new applicants to EMDG
    • 13 were self-lodged.

Applications by product category

Product categoryApplicants (#)Applicants (%)
Intellectual property or knowhow1727.88%
More than one product category29313.42%
Other services49722.76%
Tourism services733.34%

Applications by state and territory

  • 18 in the Australian Capital Territory (0.8%)
  • 747 in New South Wales (34.2%)
  • 7 in the Northern Territory (0.3%)
  • 343 in Queensland (15.7%)
  • 143 in South Australia (6.6%)
  • 15 in Tasmania (0.7%)
  • 743 in Victoria (34.0%)
  • 168 in Western Australia (7.7%)

Agents' applications

147 agents submitted applications, 10 of which were agents new to EMDG. Of the 147 agents:

  • 38 agents submitted one application (25.9%)
  • 67 agents submitted between 2 to 9 applications (45.6%)
  • 17 agents submitted between 10 to 19 applications (11.6%)
  • 10 agents submitted 20 to 49 applications (6.8%)
  • 3 agents submitted 50 or more applications (2.0%)
  • 2 agents submitted 100 or more applications (1.4%).

Top 10 markets

The figures for target markets indicated by EMDG Round 3 grantees are below. They include executed grant agreements only.

The percentages don’t add to 100%. This is because a grantee can target multiple markets.

Market rankMarketGrantees planning to export to market% of grantees planning to export to market
1United States of America1,35566.9%
2United Kingdom96047.4%
10United Arab Emirates20610.2%

Grant agreements

We have assessed all 2,184 applications and executed 2,055 grant agreements. This represents a success rate of 94%. Figures are correct as at 31 December 2023.

The breakdown of agreements by tier is shown below:

Tier categoryGrant agreements% of grant agreements
Tier 163731%
Tier 264231%
Tier 375237%
Representative bodies231%