Report EMDG fraud

Austrade treats grants fraud seriously, in line with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Framework.

Austrade is resourced to detect and investigate suspected fraud in the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program. Where required, we will liaise with and seek support from the Australian Federal Police.


If there is sufficient evidence that supports a prosecution, the matter will be:

  • referred to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
  • considered under the Prosecution Policy of the Commonwealth.

How to report EMDG fraud

If you wish to report suspected fraud, please contact the Head of Client Programs by:

  • calling the EMDG Fraud Hotline on free call 1800 006 352
  • sending an email to
  • sending a letter to:
    Head of Client Programs
    GPO Box 5301
    Sydney NSW 2001


Please provide as much information as possible about the suspected fraud. This includes:

  • the name and location of the company
  • the name(s) of the person(s) involved
  • the suspected action that concerns you.


Austrade commits to protecting the confidentiality of everyone who reports suspected fraudulent activity.

You can remain anonymous. However, providing your name and contact details will help us if we need more information.

Austrade is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Trade and Investment Commission Act 1985. These require Austrade to protect confidential information. We will hold all records securely. We will not pass information on to other departments or agencies except as privacy laws allow.