2024-08-28 - 2024-08-29
Event category:
09:00:00 - 20:00:00 CST
Medical devices & diagnostics Health Pharmaceuticals

Shine in Shenzhen is a 2-day, large-scale, multi-stream trade and investment campaign for Australian businesses with expertise in pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other sectors, who are able to provide medical products to meet China’s urgent clinical needs.

This event has been initiated by Austrade and supported by Team Australia partners – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian state and territory governments, and Australian industry bodies.

At the event, participating Australian businesses will join the Austrade Greater China Health and Technology Team to tour Hong Kong and Shenzhen on 28-29 August 2024.

Activities in the health stream include:

  • 2 roundtables in Shenzhen and Hong Kong to review policies and procedures on the fast-track channel and talk face-to-face with key stakeholders, including hospitals, importers, etc.
  • site visits to key distributors and hospitals in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)
  • a high-level networking gala dinner in Shenzhen organised by Austrade and attended by government authorities and businesses across multiple industries
  • a large-scale promotional campaign launched by Austrade on Chinese social media to introduce your company and offerings.

The program will provide Australian businesses with valuable opportunities to delve deep into the GBA, establish key contacts and explore fast-track access channels into the China market.

2024-08-28 - 2024-08-29
09:00:00 - 20:00:00 CST

Option 1: Shenzhen and Hong Kong leg on 28-29 August 2024, A$1,300

This option includes:

  • 2 roundtables in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong 
  • site visits 
  • one free ticket for the gala dinner 
  • promotion in a large-scale campaign launched by Austrade on Chinese social media

Option 2: Shenzhen leg only on 29 August 2024, A$850

This option includes:

  • a roundtable in Shenzhen
  • site visits
  • one free ticket for the gala dinner
  • promotion in a large-scale campaign
Who should attend:
Australian export-ready businesses with capabilities in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, equipment, medical consumables, food and beverage, infrastructure and other sectors who are able to provide medical products to meet China’s urgent clinical needs.
For more information contact:

Mainland China
Colin Tang
Senior Business Development Manager
Austrade Beijing
T: +86 10 8532 8621

Hong Kong
Catherine Dai
Investment Director
Austrade Hong Kong
T: +852 2588 5308

Register by:
26 July 2024