Robotics, Autonomous Systems and AI

This Australian defence industry report analyses Australia’s expertise and capabilities in Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence (RASAI).

Date published
8 September 2022
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Australian defence industry report and matrix

The Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence (RASAI) report analyses Australian expertise in emerging defence technologies. It includes a RASAI capabilities matrix that covers 49 Australian companies.


Combining robotics and AI has created a new defence industry subsector called RASAI.

This report analyses Australia’s RASAI expertise. The matrix lists Australian companies with export-ready RASAI capabilities and fast-evolving expertise. This helps:

  • overseas defence companies to find partners with relevant skills
  • global defence customers to assess areas of RASAI expertise in Australia’s civil-defence ecosystem.

We developed this report with Trusted Autonomous Systems (TAS). TAS is Australia’s first Defence Cooperative Research Centre.

Key findings

The core customer for RASAI technologies is the global defence robotics market. The market was worth A$19.5 billion in 2020.

This report outlines:

  • global market trends and opportunities
  • the role of RASAI in defence
  • RASAI and Australian defence
  • Australian capabilities: land, sea, air – and beyond
  • future platforms
  • RASAI Defence Industry Capability Matrix
  • the RASAI Matrix.

Contact us

Australian companies with RASAI capabilities are looking for opportunities to partner with global defence companies.

If you would like to get in touch with any of the companies listed in the document, please contact us at