EMDG program strategic refocus – consultation summary

Read feedback we received on changes to the EMDG program.

Date published
20 October 2023
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This document summarises the feedback received from the EMDG program strategic refocus consultation.

The consultation sought views on changes to the EMDG program that would:

  • deliver better alignment with the Australian Government’s trade policy priorities
  • achieve quality outcomes within the available annual budget.

Why refocus EMDG

The Australian Government is committed to ensuring the EMDG program:

  • supports market diversification
  • remains sustainable.

During the consultation, we sought feedback from EMDG recipients, business and other interested stakeholders. 

This built on feedback from the EMDG Operational Review in 2022. The review told us we needed to balance interest in the program with available funding. This balance will enhance the program’s impact on Australian businesses and the economy.

Consultation process and outcomes

The consultation period opened on 5 July 2023 and closed on 11 August 2023.

We received feedback through:

  • workshops
  • a survey
  • submissions
  • meetings with peak bodies and government stakeholders. 

Findings from this consultation and previous reviews informed advice to government.

Program changes will apply from Round 4 of EMDG. 

More information