Australian State of Exporters Report 2022

How exporters contribute to Australia’s economic prosperity

Date published
31 January 2023
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This inaugural report gives information on how exporters contribute to Australia’s economic prosperity.

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As Australia’s export promotion agency, we have an interest in understanding Australian exporters. This helps inform government priorities and Austrade’s programs.

The report draws together information on current exporters and their activities.

It includes:

  • export statistics, such as exporters’ average size, growth rates, trading partners and industry sectors
  • comparisons between exporting and non-exporting businesses
  • discussion about the impacts of COVID-19 on export businesses.

The report uses data from the:

  • Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
  • Department of Home Affairs Integrated Cargo System (Australian Border Force).

Key findings

Exporters are larger and better performing than non-exporters

Across a wide range of countries and industries, exporters:

  • are larger
  • are more productive
  • are more skill- and capital-intensive
  • are more innovative
  • pay higher wages.

Exporters generated A$1.56 trillion in turnover in 2020-21. They contributed A$646.6 billion value added to the Australian economy.

Exporters are more resilient than non-exporters

Exporting is associated with:

  • a higher likelihood of firm survival
  • greater resilience to economic shocks.

For example, Australian exporters were more resilient to the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic. Export businesses were 9% more likely to survive the COVID-19 pandemic than non-exporters.

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