Australian Public Service Employee Census 2023

Highlights from Austrade in the employee census.


The Australian Public Service (APS) Employee Census is an annual survey sent to every APS employee in Australia and overseas. The survey provides insights into employees’ views about their agency, workplace issues, and the APS overall. The results equip agencies with valuable insights to identify areas for improvement.

This year, 88% of employees (1,166 of 1,321 people) completed the 2023 APS Employee Census.   

APS Census results cover:

  • employee engagement
  • leadership
  • communication and change
  • workplace conditions
  • inclusion
  • innovation
  • wellbeing
  • performance
  • retention
  • unacceptable behaviour
  • demographics

Key findings

Our staff continue to express a strong commitment to Austrade and belief in our mission and purpose. Of those who responded:

  • 95% are happy to go the extra mile
  • 95% felt Austrade has a diverse and inclusive culture
  • 95% agree that the workplace environment is safe and respectful.

Most staff expressed positive views about:

  • Austrade
  • the workplace environment
  • diversity and inclusion
  • their immediate supervisor.

2023 agency-level action plan

Australian Government agencies develop action plans to address key themes raised in the APS Employee Census. Austrade’s 2023 APS Census results and key agency themes have been reported to the Austrade Executive, and an agency-level action plan, below, created.

In 2023, new reporting requirements have been put in place for agencies to publicly release their agency-level action plan, alongside the agency highlights report, for greater openness and transparency.

Areas identified for further improvement and to be addressed in Austrade’s 2023 agency-level action plan are as follows.

Leadership and culture

  • Clear and consistent messaging by leadership across the organisation.
  • Ongoing demonstration of strong leadership and intra-agency collaboration.
  • Enhanced recognition of service, good performance and demonstration of Austrade values through formal recognition programs.
  • Early and productive management of any poor behaviours and underperformance.

Simplified processes

  • Continue to streamline administrative and decision-making processes.
  • Ensure delegations are applied at appropriate levels.

Workload management

  • Promote healthy workloads in individuals' workplans that reflect resourcing levels and align with government priorities.