Australian Public Service Employee Census 2022

Highlights from Austrade in the employee census.


This report gives highlights from Austrade in the Australian Public Service Employee Census for 2022.

This year, 89% of Austrade staff completed the survey (1194 of 1348 people). This is a new record for Austrade.

Census results cover:

  • employee engagement
  • leadership
  • communication and change
  • workplace conditions
  • inclusion
  • innovation
  • wellbeing
  • performance
  • retention
  • unacceptable behaviour
  • demographics

Key findings

Our staff continue to express a strong commitment to Austrade and belief in our mission and purpose. Of those who responded:

  • 95% felt Austrade has a diverse and inclusive culture
  • 93% were happy to go the extra mile at work when required
  • 83% were proud to work at Austrade.

Most staff expressed positive views about:

  • Austrade
  • their immediate supervisor
  • workplace conditions
  • health and wellbeing policies
  • inclusion.

Areas for further improvement remain:

  • manageable workload
  • planned and consultative change management
  • effective communication across teams.