Australia-Netherlands Trade and Investment Report

This report can help you understand emerging trade and investment opportunities between Australia and the Netherlands.

Date published
27 October 2023
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We’ve analysed the industry strengths and growth areas of Australia and the Netherlands. We identified 4 promising areas of trade and investment activity. These are:

  • agribusiness and food
  • circular economy
  • clean energy
  • future mobility.

This report can help Australian and Dutch businesses:

  • plan their global expansion
  • understand how Austrade can support market entry.

Key findings

Valued economic partners

The Netherlands is ninth largest investor and fifth largest source of direct investment in Australia.

Australia’s second largest export market in the EU is the Netherlands. It is a key entry point for Australian goods distributed across Europe.

Net zero collaboration

Australia and the Netherlands are aligned on ambitious net zero targets. Both countries are partnering to speed up the energy transition by:

  • leveraging Dutch agtech and circular economy expertise in Australian industry
  • developing a renewable hydrogen supply chain to harness Australia’s vast renewable resources.

This partnership can maximise each country’s strengths to speed up decarbonisation across multiple industries.

Contact us

For more information on growth opportunities in Australia or the Netherlands, email