Fostering education and skills for a greener future

Indonesia and Vietnam are seeking to skill their workforces to support green economy priorities.

14 October 2024

From 23 to 27 September 2024, Austrade hosted an Australia–Southeast Asia Business Exchange mission focused on fostering skills for a greener future in Indonesia and Vietnam.

The delegation included representatives from 21 higher education institutions, vocational education and training providers, and registered training organisations. They were joined by 11 state and territory representatives from New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

The Indonesian leg was led by the Australian Business Champion for Indonesia, Professor Jennifer Westacott AO, Chancellor of Western Sydney University. The mission was also supported by the Australia–Indonesia Business Council and the Indonesia–Australia Business Council.

In Vietnam, the mission program leveraged the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) Education Partnership and Investment Conference in Hai Phong, establishing a significant ‘Team Australia’ presence at the event.

The delegation explored potential partnerships across government, academia, and industry to support the transition to net zero carbon emissions and to advance green economy priorities.

Increasing demand for skilled professionals in green energy

Indonesia and Vietnam are aiming to achieve net zero emissions by 2060 and 2050, respectively. As both countries prioritise sustainable economic development, the need for a skilled workforce equipped to drive green economy priorities is critical. An estimated 50% of the 5.5 million new green jobs in Southeast Asia are predicted to be in Indonesia and Vietnam by 2050.

Both countries are facing increasing demands for professionals who can lead in areas such as renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and climate resilience. This presents a unique opportunity for Australian education institutions to deliver the skills and expertise necessary for this transformation.


To achieve net zero by 2060, the Indonesian Government is strongly encouraging universities and polytechnics to add subjects related to green economy management, carbon abatement and sustainability. This program includes special scholarship programs for employees of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and government ministries.


To achieve net zero emissions by 2050, Vietnam is focusing on reducing greenhouse gases, increasing the use of renewable energy, and enhancing sustainable urban development. The transition is expected to generate nearly 1 million new jobs by 2040. Immediate efforts are needed to reskill, upskill and “new skill” the workforce in green energy and technology solutions.

Australia can play a role in helping Indonesia and Vietnam develop a green economy workforce.

Australia can play a role in helping Indonesia and Vietnam develop a green economy workforce.

Capturing opportunities to strengthen academic and research partnerships

The mission visited Jakarta, Hai Phong and Hanoi, offering the delegates a dynamic program to:

  • learn about industry needs to support the green energy transition from Indonesian and Vietnamese government agencies, institutions and leading businesses
  • raise in-market awareness of Australian education, skills and capacity-building capabilities relevant to Indonesia and Vietnam’s green economy and energy transition
  • conduct targeted business matchings with local customers
  • hold a deep dive with PLN, the Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise electricity provider
  • receive updates on the latest transnational education policies and practices through the Ministry of Education and Training Education Partnership and Investment Conference in Hai Phong
  • hold in-depth discussions with local universities and leading businesses to prepare Vietnamese science and technology graduates with the skills and knowledge to navigate net zero goals, including a visit to the Deep C industrial zone and port infrastructure cluster.

The delegation also witnessed Memorandum of Understanding announcements between Australian and Indonesian education providers, showcasing their commitment to bridging the skills gap.

The mission marks a critical step in strengthening Australia’s role in supporting Indonesia and Vietnam’s green economy workforce development. Australian education institutions and local partners can provide the skills and expertise necessary for a sustainable future.

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