Australia-ASEAN Business Forum: partnerships are key to regional growth

The Forum focused on how partners, programs and the diaspora can lead to opportunities.

4 September 2024

Five hundred high-powered delegates gathered in Sydney for the Australia–ASEAN Business Forum, joining forces to promote investment, trade and stronger networks between Australia and the Southeast Asia region.

With the theme New Direction, New Opportunities, the forum was a worthwhile deep dive into how Australia is delivering its Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040. Diplomatic representatives, business leaders and government ministers and officials showcased the potential of each ASEAN country

The agenda covered agriculture, food security, and renewable and green energy with a focus on decarbonisation. Digital transformation, and medical and health resilience were also hot topics.

Partners and diaspora critical to regional success

The first day delivered a noteworthy roster of keynote speakers and lively panels.

Trade and Tourism Minister Don Farrell delivered welcome remarks, outlining the great strides of the past year as Australia celebrated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties with ASEAN member states.

The Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for a Future Made in Australia, Tim Ayres, delivered the keynote on the importance of activating and empowering the diaspora across the region. This is a crucial step in deepening the ties between Australia and Southeast Asia.

These addresses were supplemented by a keynote address by Austrade Deputy CEO Daniel Boyer. He discussed Austrade’s work in Southeast Asia working alongside the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Export Finance Australia. This includes the Australia-Southeast Asia Business Exchange, Southeast Asia Investment Deals Teams, and the expanded Landing Pads program.

Mukund Narayanamurti, Austrade’s General Manager for Southeast Asia, chaired a panel centred on how programs and partnerships are growing opportunities in the region.

ASEAN-Australia business summit

Austrade’s General Manager for Southeast Asia Mukund Narayanamurti chaired a panel on how partnerships are growing opportunities.

Seizing Southeast Asian opportunities

The second day was set aside for business matching meetings between exporters and service providers with regional representatives.

‘True success for the Southeast Asia economic strategy cannot occur without the buy-in and backing of Australian business,’ says Jay Meek, Austrade’s General Manager, Trade.

‘Austrade is focused on the need to help SMEs understand the opportunities in Southeast Asia, and to share insights on how to do business in the region.’

The opportunities in Southeast Asia for Australian business are enormous. The region boasts a $5.2 trillion economy with a combined population of nearly 700 million people. It has one of the fastest growing middle classes in the world.

‘Greater cooperation and stronger bilateral ties with our closest neighbours means a brighter future for Australia and for the ASEAN bloc,’ says Meek. ‘We are excited to be helping harness the opportunities before us.’

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