All eyes on Australian produce at Asia Fruit Logistica 2024

Australian growers met more than 620 buyers and importers at Asia’s leading fresh fruit and vegetable trade fair.

Not even Typhoon Yagi could dampen the strong impression Australia made at Asia Fruit Logistica (AFL) 2024. Held in Hong Kong, AFL is Asia’s leading fresh fruit and vegetable trade fair.

From 4 to 6 September, over 90 fruit, vegetable and nut companies proudly showcased Australia as a premier supplier of high-quality, sustainable fresh produce.

The Australian Pavilion was one of the largest national displays and featured 50 businesses. Nine industry associations also lent their support, including Hort Innovation, Australian Table Grapes, Avocados Australia and Summerfruit Australia.

Austrade played a pivotal role in providing real-time updates and on-the-ground assistance, allowing businesses to focus on their diversification and market expansion goals.

The 20-strong Austrade team facilitated over 300 business-matching meetings across 12 markets, including Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland China and India.

Australian exhibitors met with more than 620 importers and buyers, helping them build and maintain valuable connections and secure export outcomes. Buyers from Southeast Asia showed interest in Australian produce.

Showcasing the best of Australian produce at Asia Fruit Logistica 2024.

Showcasing the best of Australian produce at Asia Fruit Logistica 2024.

Austrade support pivotal to event success

The feedback from exhibitors reflected the exceptional support provided by Austrade.

‘Austrade is a great support; they help find the right partners,’ says Frank Cua, RJ & N Cua Vineyards. ‘The staff at AFL are phenomenal. Without Austrade, there would be many missing links between customers and exporters.’

Sue Lynne, Brand Manager at Cherryhill Orchards, says: ‘It was a very productive week at AFL 2024. Thanks to introductions facilitated by Austrade’s Business Development Managers, we connected with key regional buyers, and we truly appreciate Austrade’s support.’

Liza Nguyễn, from Harvest Hill Orchard, adds: ‘Our retail visit as part of AFL was incredibly helpful. Frances Cheung from Austrade Hong Kong put together a fantastic program, providing practical support that enhanced our experience and understanding of cultural practices.’

Michael Rouget, Chief Executive Officer of Koala Cherries and Chris Chen, Export Sales Manager, appreciated the two-way business introductions, especially from Austrade teams in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.

Luca D’Arsie, Sales Development Manager at SMA Marketing, notes: ‘AFL is our first trade show as part of an exhibition, and it has been insightful and engaging. The Austrade team has done a wonderful job connecting us with buyers from Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and beyond.’

The Australian presence at AFL 2024 underscores Austrade’s commitment to Asian markets. Austrade looks forward to building on this success at AFL 2025 and continuing to strengthen global connections for exporters.

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