Landing Pads

We help export-ready Australian tech businesses to expand globally

Expand your business globally

The Landing Pads program helps tech scaleups:

  • make informed decisions about international expansion
  • develop and validate market-entry plans
  • connect with opportunities, customers, partners and funding to grow sales internationally
  • raise brand profile – including at iconic global trade shows.

How it works

The program provides tailored advice and in-market experiences. It is delivered digitally and in-market. In-market programs are often timed to coincide with events such as trade shows. Local partners are sometimes used to provide additional expertise.

Who should apply

To apply for the Landing Pads program, your business should:

  • have an existing product with customers and/or partners
  • have the funding available to expand internationally, including at least 12 months of runway
  • be able to communicate your objectives and vision for international growth
  • have reasons to expand to a market with Landing Pad services. This includes existing sales, leads or a market opportunity.

How to apply and find out more

An application is required to join a Landing Pads program.

The Expression of Interest (EOI) makes clear what each program involves. It includes additional criteria to the list above. We assess applications to identify suitable companies for each program.

To find out more, submit an Expression of Interest form.


We run one-week to one-month Landing Pads programs covering 7 Landing Pads markets:

  • Bengaluru
  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Jakarta
  • London
  • San Francisco
  • Shanghai
  • Singapore.

Pitch events

The Landing Pads programs sometimes include pitch events. These events showcase Australian tech businesses to potential investors.

Go Global Toolkit

If you have your first international leads, are thinking about selling overseas in the future, or just need to brush up on your exporting knowledge, check out our free Go Global Toolkit. Using the toolkit, you can:

  • find export advice for your product, by international market
  • learn more about export pricing and international contracts
  • build your own export plan and more.

Contact us

For questions about Landing Pads, contact us.