EMDG Program Research Report

This Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) report presents the results from a survey of grant agents.

About the report

We commissioned a research and evaluation consultancy called Paper Giant to survey grant agents. This was to gain insight into their experience with the program.

The survey covered:

  • individual and business characteristics
  • engagement with the new EMDG program
  • experience with the new EMDG program
  • the new EMDG program outlook.

Key findings

In March 2022, 110 grant agents took part in this quantitative survey. All survey respondents had experience in the EMDG grants program in 2021.

The report outlines:

  • the experience of the agents
  • awareness of the grant program
  • how and why exporters use agents
  • agents' knowledge of EMDG
  • understanding and helpfulness of the EMDG guidelines
  • ease of completing application tasks
  • applicant needs and aims, and perceptions of change
  • expectations of the EMDG program in the future.

The information helped Austrade to improve the EMDG program, including communication.

Download the report and summary

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