Choose Tourism Grant Program

The Australian Government will grant up to $7.5 million to State and Territory governments (or nominated industry partners) for this grant.

Status: Closed


The Choose Tourism Grant Program supports eligible State and Territory governments (or nominated industry partners). This is to amplify/extend existing campaigns and/or create new campaigns, programs, and activities. These are designed to attract workers to the tourism industry.

How the program works

The Choose Tourism Grant Program is a closed and non-competitive program, with funding provided for projects that will run across 2 financial years (2022-23 and 2023-24).

One grant is to be allocated per State or Territory, totalling up to 8 grants.

Program outcomes

The Choose Tourism Grant Program was created to deliver outcomes to:

  • promote a career in tourism to school leavers and young people
  • attract domestic workers to tourism including First Nations Australians
  • promote existing work rights for people on an aged pension and tourism businesses
  • communicate to tourism industry associations and visitor economy businesses on how to employ people with a disability
  • promote tourism as a career of choice to cohorts underrepresented in tourism industry.

Successful grant program recipients can be found on GrantConnect – Search for grant opportunity number GO6266. Successful recipients will be published when grant agreements are signed.

Grant amounts

Grants between $400,000 to $1.4million are available to successful applicants.

Important dates

The program opened in May 2023 and will finish in June 2024. 


  • opened: 22 May 2023, 9:00am AEDT
  • closed: 5 June 2023, 4:00pm AEDT.


Grants are only available to:

  • Australian State and Territory governments and/or those governments’ potential industry partners
  • State and Territory government(s) who elected to deliver campaigns through industry partners, who provided relevant documentation as listed in the Guidelines. This included a Letter of Support.

An invitation was sent to each State and Territory with links to the Smarty Grant Portal to apply for the Program.

Grant Guidelines

Download Choose Tourism Grant Program Guidelines (PDF 388KB)

The guidelines are also available by logging in to GrantConnect.

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