Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement (ACl-FTA)

The Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement (ACl-FTA) covers trade in goods, services and investment.

The Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement (ACl-FTA) entered into force on 6 March 2009. The Agreement covers trade in goods, services and investment. 

What ACl-FTA offers

Major Australian exports to Chile include coal, civil engineering equipment, specialised machinery and vehicles. The FTA also supports new trade and investment opportunities to Australia across a range of sectors, including:

  • mining and energy technology and services
  • engineering and consulting services
  • franchising
  • education and training
  • information technology
  • chemicals and industrial products and technologies
  • infrastructure.

Other areas that will benefit include:

  • energy (coal, LNG, renewable energy)
  • agriculture (dairy, meat, ovine and bovine genetics, production technologies)
  • food and beverages, including wine.

Doing business in Chile

To learn more about visas, tax requirements, priority business and product sectors, visit Doing business in Chile.

More information

Please visit the ACl-FTA page on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website for comprehensive information.

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