ASEAN–Australia–New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA)

AANZFTA is an agreement encompassing one of the most dynamic economic regions in the world.

The AANZFTA entered into force on 1 January 2010. The ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) is an agreement encompassing one of the most dynamic economic regions in the world.

AANZFTA is Australia’s first multi-country FTA. It is the first time Australia and New Zealand have been involved jointly in negotiating an FTA with third countries. It was the first time ASEAN has embarked on FTA negotiations covering all sectors including goods, services, investment and intellectual property simultaneously. This makes it the most comprehensive trade agreement that ASEAN has ever negotiated.

Austrade can help Australian companies familiarise themselves with local market conditions, as well as assist in developing export opportunities through a range of in-market and Australian-based services.

Doing business with New Zealand and ASEAN

Austrade has detailed information on doing business in New Zealand and ASEAN countries such as:

Learn more about visas, tax requirements, priority business and product sectors by using the explore markets tool.

More information

Please visit the AANZFTA page on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website for comprehensive information.

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