The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Reporting corrupt conduct

Austrade has zero tolerance for corruption. We encourage reporting of any instances of corruption.

As a public service agency, the conduct of Austrade and its employees is within the National Anti-Corruption Commission's (NACC) jurisdiction.  The NACC is only able to investigate corrupt conduct that involves a public official in some way.

Before making a referral, consider: 

  1. Did the corrupt conduct involve a current or former public official? 
  2. Do you suspect this conduct could be serious or systemic? A suspicion is enough to make a referral.

Any person may make a referral to Austrade using the webform below regarding serious or systemic corrupt conduct at Austrade. All referrals made to Austrade will be considered. Where the corrupt conduct is deemed serious or systemic, it will be referred to the NACC by Austrade’s Chief Executive Officer.  

You can choose to remain anonymous when making your submission. However, if you do so, Austrade will not update you on the progress of your complaint.

You can also make a referral directly to the NACC by completing the NACC corruption reporting form. For detailed guidelines and referrals direct to NACC, visit the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) website.

What you can report

The NACC has discretion to commence an investigation into issues that it considers could involve serious or systemic corrupt conduct. 

The scope of 'corrupt conduct' is broad.  It includes, but is not limited to:

  1. criminal corrupt conduct (e.g bribery and criminal offences contained in Part 7.6 of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth))
  2. the conduct of any person that adversely affects (or could adversely affect) a public official from honestly or impartially exercising or performing their powers, functions or duties and/or
  3. the conduct of a public official that constitutes or involves:
    1. a breach of public trust; an abuse of the person's office as a public official
    2. the misuse of information or documents acquired in the person's capacity as a public official and/or
    3. corruption of any other kind.

What you can't report

Disagreement with government policy, action or expenditure cannot be investigated by the NACC. Referrals must address 'serious or systemic corruption’, specifically in the Commonwealth public sector.

How to report

To report an instance of corrupt conduct at Austrade that:

  • is serious or systemic, please use the webform below. This will be assessed by Austrade’s fraud team for referral to the NACC. 
  • may not meet the NACC’s threshold of being serious and systemic, use email. Send to

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