Public interest disclosure

Public officials can report serious wrongdoing in the Commonwealth public sector.

When public officials report serious wrongdoing in the Commonwealth public sector, this is called a Public Interest Disclosure (PID). A PID is made under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act).

Who can make a disclosure

Any current or former public official can make a disclosure. This includes:

  • public servants (ongoing, non-ongoing and casual)
  • parliamentary service staff
  • service providers under a Commonwealth contract
  • statutory office holders
  • staff of Commonwealth companies
  • temporary staff engaged through a recruitment agency.

What you can report

You can report certain types of conduct including:

  • illegal actions
  • corruption
  • perverting the course of justice
  • maladministration
  • abuse of public trust
  • falsifying scientific research
  • wasting public money
  • endangering health, safety or the environment.

How to make a disclosure

Past and current public officials can make public interest disclosures relating to Austrade by contacting our PID Officer.

Public Interest Disclosure Officer
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission, Austrade
GPO Box 2386
Canberra ACT 2601

Our response

We will contact you within 14 days to confirm we have received your request.

An Authorised Officer will assess whether to investigate the disclosure.

Investigations are normally done within 90 days of receipt of your disclosure.

We will send you a copy of the report excluding any needed deletions. If your submission was anonymous, you won’t get a copy.

Public Interest Disclosure Policy

Public officials can request a copy of our Public Interest Disclosure Policy using the contact details above.

More information

Find out more about Public interest disclosure (whistleblowing) from the Commonwealth Ombudsman.