The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Procurement complaints

Austrade's complaints process for procurement includes ways to make a complaint and how we handle it.

Members of the public may make a complaint about Austrade in 2 ways:

Making an informal complaint

1.      Write to the contact officer or tender email address included in your documentation.

2.       Send a copy of your complaint to

Making a formal complaint

The GPJR Act tells us how to manage complaints about breaches of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs). These complaints can be alleged, actual or proposed breaches.

Your complaint must be in writing and state:

  • it is a GPJR Act request
  • the CPR you consider Austrade has breached or is proposing to breach
  • how your interests are affected by the breach
  • contact details for reply.

Write to: The Procurement Coordinator, Austrade, GPO Box 2386, Canberra ACT 2601.

Or email:

Include enough detail in your complaint to allow us to investigate and respond. Include evidence to support your complaint.

Complaint handling process

After we receive your complaint, we will:

  • acknowledge receipt
  • let you know if a public interest certificate (PIC) is in place
  • let you know the expected time frame
  • investigate the validity of your complaint
  • tell you of the outcome of our investigation
  • offer a solution if applicable
  • ask if you think the complaint is resolved
  • let you know your review rights.

Public Interest Certificate

If it is in the public interest, the procurement process will continue while your case is investigated.

Review of decision

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can seek a review. You can do this through our Procurement Coordinator, the Commonwealth Ombudsman. or the Court.

More information

Department of Finance Procurement complaints

Contact us

Email or call 13 28 78