Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange

Helping Australian business to diversify and expand in Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia’s expanding economy and growing middle class make the region a top export destination. Australian business can also tap into Southeast Asia’s advanced manufacturing and tech sectors to diversify their supply chains.

The Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange program aims to increase two-way trade between Australia and Southeast Asia. 

The program includes:

  • targeted business missions to Southeast Asia in priority sectors
  • after-visit support for Australian companies
  • programs to raise awareness of opportunities between Australia and Southeast Asia
  • marketing campaigns to promote Australian goods and services in the region
  • a marketing campaign in Australia to raise awareness of opportunities to buy from, invest in and travel to Southeast Asia.

We will launch a survey to harness the knowledge of the Southeast Asian diaspora in Australia. The survey insights will:

  • inform the program’s design 
  • help Australian business better engage with the region.

Austrade is developing and delivering the Southeast Asia Business Exchange program, co-designing it with business and industry. Consultations are underway.

We will provide more information on the program soon. You can sign up for the latest updates below.

Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange logo

Programs and services to help Australian business explore trade and investment opportunities in Southeast Asia


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