Australia-India Business Exchange

AIBX helps businesses benefit from new trade and investment opportunities

New trade and investment opportunities include those arising from the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA).

About the AIBX program

The Australia-India Business Exchange (AIBX) is a multi-year Austrade program. 

The AIBX program provides:

  • access to the latest insights and opportunities
  • introductions and connections in India
  • pathways to commercial partnerships
  • access to Austrade advisers in major cities across India.

AIBX provides access to resources, insight and news on the following sectors.


India’s emerging middle class has a taste for imported food, creating a new market for Australian exporters. A growing number of brand-oriented importers are feeding demand.


Take advantage of strategic engagements between Australia and India to drive commercial collaboration in the defence and space sectors.


There is significant potential for Australian education providers to meet growing demand for high-quality education and skills. The Australian Government has 2 major initiatives to promote Australian education capability in India.

  • Australia-India Future Skills Initiative connects Australian vocational, education, training and edtech providers to India’s booming demand for skills.
  • India Digital Education Hub showcases Australia’s excellence in education and employability. It comprises digital tools, tailored content and resources, virtual and physical events, and campaign activity.

Energy and resources

The Indian Government has policies and strategies to secure critical minerals and develop end-use areas, including renewable energy storage and electric mobility.


There are strong opportunities in India’s healthcare market, which is projected to reach A$212 million per annum by 2024. The COVID-19 pandemic especially has challenged face-to-face healthcare delivery.


India has earmarked US$1.5 trillion for national infrastructure projects between 2020 and 2025. There are opportunities for Australian businesses in urban, transport and water infrastructure projects, and construction and building management technologies.


India’s digital economy is expected to see the highest growth rates in the coming decade. The Australia-India Innovation Network aims to increase the number of Australian technology companies accessing the rapidly growing digital sector in India.

The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement

The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA) came into force in December 2022. It gives Australian businesses a competitive advantage in India in multiple sectors.

Find out how you can use AI-ECTA to do business with India. Read the Guide to using ECTA to export and import goods on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website.

Contact us

Contact our team of specialists in India who can advise you on the opportunities and challenges of doing business in India.