The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Australian exporters

See what services, toolkits and grants we offer exporters, big and small.

We have a range of services to support Australian businesses looking to achieve international growth.

If you’re an Australian business with global ambitions, Austrade can help.

Our experts around the world connect you with customers and help simplify your exporting journey.

Go further, faster with Austrade -

Trade services

Austrade’s trade services help Australian businesses expand in overseas markets. We help eligible businesses:

  • assess market potential
  • develop export strategies
  • find valuable contacts overseas.

We have advisers in Australia and in our international offices who deliver our services. To answer your questions on export potential and discover the right services for you, contact an Austrade industry specialist.

We also work with trade support in states and territories. Find a TradeStart adviser near you.

Go Global Toolkit

Our Go Global Toolkit is designed to help Australian businesses at every stage of their export journey including:

  • export guides for Australian businesses
  • laws and regulations in your target markets
  • tools to help you find export markets and check your readiness to export.

Export Market Development Grants

Our Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program helps Australian businesses grow their exports in international markets. These grants encourage small to medium enterprises to market and promote their goods and services globally.

Free trade agreements

Free trade agreements (FTAs) are treaties between 2 or more countries. They facilitate stronger trade and commercial links between the countries involved.

First Nations traders

First Nations are our first traders. If you're a First Nations business, we can support you in your global trade and investment ambitions.

Other trade support

For more about our support programs, including programs to assist Australian exporters, read programs, services and policies.

We administer, with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), some tax exemptions for approved overseas projects. These make Australia's bids for international tenders more competitive.

Australian businesses operating in international markets need to be aware of their obligations under Australian and foreign law. Bribery of foreign public officials is a serious crime under Australian law, punishable by fines and imprisonment. We provide advice and governance on what businesses should do to avoid bribery of foreign public officials.

Meeting responsible business standards 

Austrade is committed to reducing abuses of human rights, modern slavery, money-laundering and bribery in domestic and overseas markets.

All organisations operating in Australia or overseas should be aware of and adhere to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The guidelines provide principles and standards for responsible business behaviour, consistent with applicable domestic laws. The guidelines are endorsed and promoted by the Australian Government.

Before engaging in any overseas markets, all organisations should conduct thorough due diligence to ensure that their employees, contractors, suppliers, partner organisations, or any other third parties are all meeting the responsible business standards expected by the OECD.